Jumat, 06 April 2018

Best Ways Of Parenting Young Children

Best Ways Of Parenting Young Children

Image source: https://fthmb.tqn.com/0a7L7nVOqwprPiLznPtoJxLh2hI=/2122x1415/filters:no_upscale():fill(87E3EF,1)/about/142019787-56a2581e5f9b58b7d0c93160.jpg

Best Ways Of Parenting Young Children

While it is true that your role as a parent begins before childbirth, you begin parenting the moment your child comes into the world. Should you breast-feed your baby or allow him to drink from the bottle? Should you bathe him twice a day or more? What kind of food should you give your baby? For the parents of young babies, all these are major parenting decisions.

As long as your child is very young, your worries are limited to the points mentioned above. However, young children begin to ape adults and learn from their surroundings even when they are just a few months old. From that time on, your role is not just that of providing food and security. You also have to be a good role model and instill basic discipline in your child. A child that refuses to sleep alone or cries to be picked up all the time requires some amount of firm handling. You have to set certain limits early on in life. Your child constantly strains against these limits to test how far they can go. He or she should understand that these limits are set in stone. Only then will they respect it. These invisible boundaries actually make them feel secure and taken care of. Maintain a united front with your partner in front of your child, so that he or she will not try to play off one parent against the other.

An important thing that parents of young children have to remember is to avoid talking down to them. Mutual respect is an important aspect of parenting. Even when your child goes wrong, it is important to behave with restraint and decorum. Remember that he or she is watching every word and action, and developing along the lines that you are setting out for them.

Just as it is important to set limits with your child, it is also necessary to find time to hold them, cuddle them, play with them and answer their questions. Young children need to feel the comfort of touch. This makes them confident and secure. Children are curious about everything and it is necessary to answer their questions as best as you can so that you can help them grow emotionally and mentally. Find the time to play with your child. Children learn through games and play. Encourage your child whenever they are in doubt. This builds self-confidence. As far as possible, avoid criticism and constant nagging. When you reprove your child for an action, do so firmly. But once you're done, let it go. Do not drag the episode into every conversation. This will demoralize and upset your child. Express love openly.

There are no set rules in parenting. There are no blanket solutions or universal problems. Parenting evolves as the child develops and as parents gain confidence. Every situation is unique, and as parents, there will be many occasions when you have to rely on your gut instincts and do what you think is best for your child.

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