Minggu, 01 April 2018

Artificial Intelligence - The Future of Smart Phones

Artificial Intelligence - The Future of Smart Phones

Image source: http://www.facilitateprogrammer.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/52aaf10776d4.jpg

Artificial Intelligence - The Future of Smart Phones

Smartphones are evolving. The constant rapidity in their growth has never failed to amaze us. Mobile phones have now become something more than just being a device to call or kill the boredom and dullness. This is all because they have become intelligent machines due to AI.

Artificial intelligence, a.k.a. machine intelligence is the development of computer applications that can process information, and respond in a way which is closer to human reasoning. You can even call this process of making computers think for themselves.

Artificial Intelligence on phones has become the de facto must-have feature whether consumers know it or not. 

Gone are the days when artificial intelligence was a fantasy in movies. This tech has enabled the emotional capacity to interact with humans. Many of us are already taking advantage of it through mobile apps. Owing to this thousand of new smart apps and devices are being launched every day. As this smartphone revolution is poised to go onto the next levelwith "superphones" let us see what all these smart pieces of slabs have to offer us. Here are some ways that prove smartphones actually stand true to their name when fused with the magic of AI.

Brainy Photos and Filter Apps

Google Photos is available by default in many Android Smartphones. It uses AI and machine learning to identify human faces in a photo. It is this ability to understand the content in a photo which makes Google Photos better than an ordinary photo storage app.  Users can also make it easier for users to find images they want quickly. Apps such as Prisma and Artisto use AI to apply filters and convert an ordinary photo into a beautiful work of art.

Chatting Made Fun

Googles Allo also employs AI and language processing tools to understand how a user converses over the messenger with friends. It focuses more on the context and content of a conversation so that it can come up with smart suggestions and more accurate answers. The more time you spend on the messenger, more are the chances of getting accurate results.

Typing made Easy

Oh! Typing on touchscreen phones was always been an uncomfortable experience as compared to a proper keyboard. Microsofts SwiftKey takes it a step further by using AI. It helps you understand what message is written and accordingly provide accurate text predictions and the auto correction options. This is where predictive text input helps users overcome the limitations of small keys and keyboards.

Making Smartphones Actually Smart

It is again the AI Assistant that has made Googles Pixel and Pixel XL smartphones a unique device. Like the AI in the Allo, it creates a virtual image of a user based on his queries, commands and browser history, so it can understand the context in query better and provide more appropriate suggestions.  HTC has deployed a similar AI tool called Sense Companion in the HTC U Ultra and U Play smartphones that works in similar lines as Google Assistant.

AI in smartphones is still at a very nascent stage but the immense potential of Artificial Intelligence is sure to change all. Looking at the pace with which AI is increasing it won't be absurd to say that in future every personal and official task of the human being will be handled by the Smartphones.

All thanks to this brilliant technology in the mobile phones that we quickly and easily shop online, or book the hotels and restaurants or a flight. So, imagine friends, when the nascent stage of Artificial Intelligence can do this much, the future is sure to bring something very colossal, for sure.

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